Seven year itch (Mississauga 2006)

Choeurs: Pat, Lalo - Featuring: Pat - Music: Monmix - Lyrics: Barb
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Les coulisses

3-B1- Seven year itch (Barb/Monmix)
Featuring Pat english - choeurs Lalo Pour la fete de SLC Mississauga en 2006
Dernier episode de la serie puisque Monmix a quitte le Canada justeapres cette fete. Toujours sur un texte de Barb, cette derniere chanson de ce qui pourra rester comme la trilogie Mississauga, est donc completement orientee vers les au-revoirs, donc une melodie tres douce sur un rythme de guitares 12cordes un peu old-folk, sans trop de comme Lalo aussi partait, elle aussi participe aux choeurs


Lyrics by Barb
Featuring Pat - choeurs Lalo

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven

In marriage they call it the seven year itch,
Looking for change, making a switch,
In business they call it growth of career,
Leaving from here and going to there.
However you view it, a scratch or an itch,
Saying goodbye, it sure is a bitch!

What will I miss, the list is so long,
There’s so little time to sing in a song.
This country, the plant, the seasons and friends,
I’ll cherish the beginning, the middles and ends.

It was cold but fun on my blue motorbike,
Riding in snow whenever I like.
Too bad I won’t get my snowmobile in the summer,
And bye bye to my jeep, and my baby finger.

Aloha, Ciao, Auf Wiedersehen,
Cheerio, Adios, it all means the same.
The distance between us, it isn’t that far,
Please don’t say goodbye, just say au revoir

You’ve earned the awards, the praise and applause,
You’re all on the good list of old Santa Claus.
You did it, you rocked it, you’ve reached new heights,
You’ve worked long and hard, the days and the nights.

The targets, achievements we all took in stride,
We all drove together for a hell of a ride.
My memories are fond, our friendship runs deep,
These are the things I promise to keep.

As we turn fifty, we do not stand still,
We continue to grow, and build the new mill.
We’ve come a long way to where we now stand,
One of the best in all of the land.

You’ve all touched my heart with welcoming smiles,
A friendship bridged over thousands of miles.
I may no longer be here, but it’s really not far,
I won’t say goodbye, I’ll just say au revoir.

9avril 2006
from "surprise for SLC Mississauga 2006"
Lyrics by Barb Smith

A heart and soul (Mississauga 2005) L'étincelle