Lyrics: Dam - Music: Monmix, william, Dam - Featuring: Pat, Dam - Choeurs: Pat - Genre musical: monmiXcursion - Thème de la song: heros, defi-oser, decision
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Les coulisses

LE retour de Dam!!
Une chanson qui a commencé par un instrumental de William à la guitare (du temps où il n'était pas encore Blurry World) que Dam a détecté parmi la kyrielle d'ébauches. Et Dam s'en est emparé pour écrire un texte construit sur l'histoire d'un héros dont on comprend qu'il se dresse devant une menace pour protéger ou libérer son peuple (un peu comme "la tribu de Dana") jusqu'au dénouement final qui révèle que le petit héros en question n'est autre qu'un petit hérisson qui tente de traverser une route .
Dam a choisi une voix d'outretombe pour décrire la bataille et l'aventure.
Monmix a ajouté la musique et le texte du refrain pour ponctuer l'aventure et contribuer à l'ambiguité et conçu un arrangement tout en crescendo qui se termine par un instrumental très orchestral accompagnant un double solo de guitare de Monmix et William


You have to go to the other side
like your ancestors have always done
It will be tough, you have to be very strong and plenty of courage
The enemies are terrible and they have no mercy

You know that you can not defy them, no fight, you have to avoid them
Come on good boy come on !
You go forward slowly, with small steps, looking everywhere,
You try to be discret, it’s your specialty. But will it be enough for them ?

The voice in your head and the signs all around you are saying the same thing
Your time has come, your time has come

You choose the night for your try,you like the nights only the fine moon light
And the song of the owls but they come now !from everywhere. And everywhere bloody shit !
It’s a chaos of lights, of steel and horrible think to your family,
Some have succeeded on the same waybut some have died ! !…

The voice in your head and the signs all around you are saying the same thing
Your time has come, your time has come

You’re afraid and you shake , you scream but they don’t hear you, my little friend
You are nothing for them, but you’re not very far now, come come on !
You smell the odors of a new place
Promise of a new life the sweetest life you have ever dream of

Oh no ! they hit you
It’s a so cruel world for the small like you,
They have killed you without compassion
No mercy, no justice for the hedgehog like you

A hero
You are a hero
A hero
A hero

13 novembre 2022
from "Memento mori”
Lyrics by Dam (and chorus by Monmix)/Music by William, Dam, Monmix

Without me Ici je finirai (2020)